Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Idea #38: dydi

“dydi” (stands for ‘did you do it’) is a social activity tool + game. It’s a random activity generator for individuals and social groups. Here’s how it works,

1. The user needs to sign up with ‘dydi’ and during registration provide lots of specific inputs about interests, daily activities, passions, goals, swot analysis etc

2. User need may or may not create social groups by adding other users

3. Based on the profile details + details of others within the social group + a certain amount of randomness + calendar details of the user and others in the profile, ‘dydi’ will assign ‘specific/pointless/fun/profound/etc etc types of activities to the user or the user can ask ‘dydi’ to assign activities to others within the social group

4. Activities can be for the min/hr/day/week

5. The receiver of these activities will complete the activity, submit a summary and earn points. The points can be used by the groups or the individual user to gift goodies to one another

6. The activities could be anything and is generated by ‘dydi’. Users cannot create their own activities but can create activities for other but has to be submitted to ‘dydi’ which will schedule/assign to the intended user

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