Sunday, November 29, 2009

Idea #48: Retreat

Just came back from a retreat at Malampuzha (Kerala). Our ashram's retreat center is right in the middle of a forest area surrounded by hills. I am not too keen on elaborating how my experience was because it will end up being mere words but will recommed retreat as a concept to one and all to be undertaken as often as possible. Some photographs from the trip.

Malampuzha Reservoir as seen from the Retreat Center

The meditation hall at the Retreat Center

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Idea #47: Change..

Any change that happens naturally from inside is the real and lasting change. My Master also says that only individual changes can bring lasting changes to the society. Of course as I have written in an earlier blog only true love from within and from outside can be the basis of real, lasting and individual changes.

We change for what we love and we change because of what we love.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Idea #46: The Blogger's Block

Going thru a writer's block or a blogger's block in this case. Hope to be back soon with some fresh ideas when the block gives way :)

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Idea #45: As we..

As we pursue the world with all passion and zeal
As we inspire ourselves to seek the transitory
As we give in to the urge to do more
As we do not  feel the need to stop, the world goes on and on.

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