Monday, September 28, 2009

Idea #34: Life's Wisdom in Human Anatomy!

The human body is the way it is for more than one reason. It appears that in every physical attribute there is something metaphysical/profound being communicated,

1. Fact: Human species is only one amongst 1,600,000 ‘identified’ species of life on this earth
Inference: You are free think that you are indispensable, fact is, you are not

2. Fact: The Human tongue is the strongest muscle in the Human body
Inference: Best evidence that we human beings talk and eat too much

3. Fact: The human body is vertically symmetrical
Inference: A great metaphor of the need for balance between materialism and spiritualism

4. Fact: The anatomy of the human body is designed to be herbivorous (not even omnivorous)
Inference: Go vegetarian, Be natural

5. Fact: No two human finger prints are the same
Inference: There is a ‘natural’ place and purpose for everybody and everything

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