Saturday, September 12, 2009

Idea #24: The Mama-Mami Corporation

The Mama-Mami Catering Corporation is a web service that facilities home based individuals to enter catering services without having a commercial unit or establishment.

Let me play out a scenario to explain what this idea is all about. Let’s say there are 5 bachelor working professionals staying in one house in Bangalore. Typically what would they do for food?

Cook their own food, eat outside in office or restaurant or get hold of home delivery person and get food delivered to their place. Each of these modes has a problem or limitation. Cooking their own food is mostly not preferred and working professional don’t have the time, eating in restaurants over long period of time is not healthy and catering services will supply limited options and one get soon bored of it but cannot be changed on a daily basis.

This is where the Mama-Mami Catering Corporation comes in. Imagine you had a web service where you could the following,

1. Go online to a one stop website

2. Look at dozens of meal options provided by various catering services and individuals

3. Look at user ratings for each of the service providers

4. Book the type of meal and the quantity of meal that you need for that day

5. Pay online

6. Get the food delivered at home or pick up from the provider

7. Customise your meal preferences and ingredient used

8. Etc etc

What is USP of this concept?

The USP here is that you are enabling home based individuals and not just hotels or catering units to participate in this service. Think of a housewife who let’s say is an exceptional cook but is not interested in starting a hotel or a commercial catering unit and wants to earn some money working from home but does have any other skills. This person can just create a profile on the website, create menu for the day, limit the number of food orders that she can take on a given day, take advance food orders etc etc.

No big investments, no major wastage and income sitting at home. Now extend this to other things beyond food. Say someone is good at making sweaters, small jewellery, toys, dresses, packaged food etc etc…basically provide a gamut of services thru the web, sitting a home, no upfront investment and highly flexible….that would be the “Mama-Mami Corporation” and this idea is dedicated to all the wonderful home makers of this world!

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1 comment:

  1. That's an excellent idea! Many of my friends staying in hostels would love such access to good food.
