Thursday, August 27, 2009

Idea #10: Sing, Talk and Be Silent

Once every week the following will be nice to do,

1. Sing for plants: Stand in front of some plants in a garden or in your house and sing a nice song for them. You have to sing yourself and not play recorded music

2. Talk to animals: Stand near a herd of cows or a dog or even a bird and talk to them. Ask them how they doing? What they think about this world? What are their plans? Just about absolutely anything. The animal or the bird that you are talking to need not be your own pet

3. Be silent: This one may be though to do every week but we can try as and when possible. Just be absolutely silent for an entire day irrespective of whether you are alone or you are in company of others.

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1 comment:

  1. it is very good thought and useful too i will try to follow it.
